
Published on:

29th Apr 2024

Ep. 328 - Love for the Cold-Blooded, or The Part Time Evil Minion's Guide to Accidentally Dating a Superhero by Alex Gabriel

Hey HBs! We're here with LOVE FOR THE COLD-BLOODED, OR THE PART-TIME EVIL MINION'S GUIDE TO ACCIDENTALLY DATING A SUPERHERO by Alex Gabriel! Boy, oh boy, this MM superhero fantasy novel is fan-damn-tastic; the voice is SO UNIQUE, the world-building is incredible, and the romance is SMOKING HOT. There's accidental sex work, it highlights the power of perspective, and someone puts quail eggs on pizza. Plus, FORCE FIELD S*X!

Bonus Content: rich boy pizzas, force field condoms, telling your employer to get better at dirty talk, frat house libraries, and so much more!

Lady Loves:

Mel: Do you have an upgrade available from your cellular company? Even if you don't have a black melting dick spot on your screen that makes your life incredibly inconvenient, see if you can upgrade to a better phone for free!!!

Sabrina: Microwave Popcorn! Good goddess microwave popcorn really hits the spot!!

Make sure to check out Mel's new podcast Bonkers Romance

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Heaving Bosoms
A Romance Novel Podcast
Melody Carlisle and Sabrina Bradley love romance and they do it out loud! Every Monday, these long-distance best friends recap romance novels from a comedic, intersectional feminist, sex-positive perspective.
If you're itching for a BFF book club or just love raucous slumber party vibes, this is the show for you! Whether you've read the book or not, all are welcome! Giggling, tangents, and sincere joy abound.
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