
Published on:

27th May 2024

Ep. 332 - D'Vaughn & Kriss Plan A Wedding by Chencia C. Higgins

Hey HBs! This week we've got a delicious contemporary lesbian romance: D'Vaughn and Kriss Plan a Wedding by Chencia C. Higgins! This perfect morsel has so many things we love! Reality TV, fat rep, queer rep, overcoming religious trauma, loving and eccentric families, and WOWZA the spicy times are faaaantastic. This is a hard recommend from us!

Bonus Content: Mel just like her drinks dry, Sabrina can't handle a mid-recording puck of Mexican hot chocolate, Mel fancast this book: D'Vaughn is Susie Dahl and Kris is Mal Wright, Mel can't shut up about The Ultimatum: Queer Love, butch lesbians in short-sleeved button downs, Sabrina is frozen by reality tv chatter, and so much more!

Lady Loves:

Sabrina: We started recording one year ago! And having to read all of these books so closely has added a wonderful layer to her experience.

Mel: We got a wonderful review that called us "saucy, cheeky, and oh-so-deliciously naughty" and I'm DEAD!!! THANK YOU to everyone who reviews us online!

Make sure to check out Mel's new podcast Bonkers Romance

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Heaving Bosoms
A Romance Novel Podcast
Melody Carlisle and Sabrina Bradley love romance and they do it out loud! Every Monday, these long-distance best friends recap romance novels from a comedic, intersectional feminist, sex-positive perspective.
If you're itching for a BFF book club or just love raucous slumber party vibes, this is the show for you! Whether you've read the book or not, all are welcome! Giggling, tangents, and sincere joy abound.
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