
Published on:

17th Jun 2024

Ep. 335 - Whispers of the Deep by Emma Hamm

Hey HBs! We're here with masterpiece of sorcery! Emma Hamm's WHISPERS OF THE DEEP took every single one of Sabrina's phobias and said we shall overcome with seggsy swooniness! It's a monster romance between a merman and a human deep, DEEP under the sea. Like, in the vast deep. He kidnaps her to get information that his people will use to destroy hers, he thinks every part of her body is disgusting, and this can only end in one of their deaths... unless she teaches him how to kiss! Get stoked, y'all.

Bonus Content: Mel takes sleep terrorism to new levels, Sabrina literally overcomes all of her worst fears for this book, and so much more!

Don't miss out on our Patreon-Only events! This Friday, June 21st, is our author hang with MA Wardell at 8pm EST! And NEXT Friday, June 28th, is our next watch party of the Lizzie McGuire Movie! Patrons at the $10 level and up get to attend live and everyone else can watch it back!

Lady Loves:

Mel: Audiobook Box Sets and Wood Chippers! Mel borrowed a legit-eat-everything-wood-chipper and used those hours outside with her noise-cancelling headphones to listen to audiobook box sets on Hoopla! Big thanks to Erika Wilde and Carly Phillips for their box sets of Made for the Mafia series, the Indecent series, and the Complete Book Boyfriend series. YOWZA!

Sabrina: The second book in this series SONG OF THE ABYSS. It's Daios's book!!!!!!

Make sure to check out Mel's new podcast Bonkers Romance

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About the Podcast

Heaving Bosoms
A Romance Novel Podcast
Melody Carlisle and Sabrina Bradley love romance and they do it out loud! Every Monday, these long-distance best friends recap romance novels from a comedic, intersectional feminist, sex-positive perspective.
If you're itching for a BFF book club or just love raucous slumber party vibes, this is the show for you! Whether you've read the book or not, all are welcome! Giggling, tangents, and sincere joy abound.
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